Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Triathlon Season is Over

I know I haven't put a post up in a while due to nothing really to report. I have made a tough decision to end my triathlon season at 6 races. I had planned to do Iron Star on November 7th but I think my time would be better spent on a fund-raiser that I have going on that morning and I'm just not sure what I would get out of this race. I know I could complete it but I definitely don't feel like I normally do going into a race of this distance. When I do long course racing I need to be in top shape physically and mentally and I definitely don't feel that way now. With all that said 6 triathlons is a good number. It is the earliest I have ended my multi-sport season since 2005 but I stuck to something I promised myself, take it easy in 2010. I have done no running events and no cycling events to date and my triathlons consisted of 3 Sprints and 3 Olympics. All in all not a bad triathlon season.

So what's next? I do have two big running events in January. I have the Goofy Challenge (please donate to my fund-raising) and I have the Houston Marathon. I also have the big race of 2011, IronMan Texas in May. That is the big focus for now. I know I will be back at it with a number of long course races in addition to IMTX in 2011.

Lastly, I am saying that I'm not feeling up to doing a half-ironman but I have been training. My running is going very well and the cycling and swimming is not too bad. It just doesn't feel right at this time. I will be updating my blog a little more frequently with my training updates and you never know I might sneak in a running or cycling event before the end of the year.

Bye for now!

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