Sunday I did the Tejas Triathlon in Sugar Land. This was just a sprint tri but it wore me the heck out. For whatever reason I was just not feeling it on Sunday. I had a time of 1:14:48 for a 600 yd swim, 11 mile bike and a 3 mile run.

Just so I remain consistent I had another poor swim. My time was 15:15 for 600 yards :(. I think the swim might have been a little longer but I just couldn't get it going in the water. I also lost my timing chip about 5 seconds into the swim. I'm glad they float.

Norma had it waiting for me at the swim exit.

My bike time was good at a little over 30 minutes and I averaged around 23 mph on the bike.

The run was mostly flat but by the time I got there I had nothing left. I think I've been training and working a little too much and it caught up to me on Sunday.

The last couple days have me feeling Trashed and Scattered but I need to pull it together for the Sylvan Beach Tri this Sunday.
On another note, I had originally planned to do the Buffalo Springs 70.3 at the end of the month. After a lot of thought I have decided to pass on this event. I have not registered yet but there are still spots available if I change my mind. I know I could do this event today if need be but I want to make sure that I would do well. I'm not sure if that would be the case if I went there. It is a huge expense to sign up for the race, go to Lubbock and put myself in a hotel if you are not sure. I may change my mind but for now I plan to skip this race. After Sylvan Beach my plan is to do the Waco Olympic Tri in July but I will just play it by ear for now.
Hope you get your snap back bro..!!
sorry to not see ya if you decide on no go at BSLT.
hang in there! U are an animal.
Dude, none of us are going to race Buffalo Springs well. For the majority of us doing IM Cozumel, this is our first long distance race and it certainly should not be our "A" race of the season.
I am approaching Buffalo Springs as a long training day with some time limits. I want to see if I have learned anything from my training rides and runs about proper hydration and nutrition intake. Yes, it is a test, but it is also a chance to learn more to prepare for Cozumel. 6:30 is my time goal and as you know that is WAY OFF my PR.
Anyway, who the hell am I gonna complain to on the run now. Terry will be done by the time I hit the run course and John may be behind me. At least I know I am close to your run pace.
Hang in there. Everyone has their low spots in their training.
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