Thursday, September 25, 2008

Johnny Romano

It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of Johnny Romano. Johnny passed away yesterday. Here is an excerpt from Julie Romano's blog:

"Johnny is a trooper. He never cries, screams or complains. NEVER. Not once. Such a hero. But we never sees it that way. Heroes never do."

As I was typing in the excerpt from Julie Romano I was getting a little choked up. As a father of two I continued to be thankful for having very healthy and happy kids. There are times that I wonder why I stay with Team In Training. As a coach or a participant for the third straight event you start to get a little tired and you want to have your time back. All I have to do is read Johnny's blog and I don't have to wonder why I am here.

I have never had an opportunity to meet Johnny or his family. I hope to meet his family soon. I have two triathlons over the next two weeks. I have an Olympic in Dallas on Sunday and I have a Half-Iron in Austin the following Sunday. When I'm out there sweating, hurting and starting to cry and complain I will think of Johnny. I want to be a hero too.

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