Monday, November 16, 2009

Iron Star Triathlon

Last Sunday I did the Iron Star Half-Ironman Triathlon in Conroe as a final tune-up prior to IM Cozumel. Overall it was a good race and I had a time 5:47:36. Not too bad considering the injuries I am dealing with.

I'm not going to bore you to death with same old race report so here is the condensed version. The swim was slow for me due to a shoulder injury that I am still nursing. It was very painful and it was difficult to swim. The bike course was challenging. There were a lot of hills and the headwind made it tough to keep top speed. I finished with an average of 19.8 mph on the bike. Not bad considering the back, hip and knee issues I have. Lastly, the run was pretty tough. My legs did not want cooperate. They pain was worse than anything that I could have imagined. I somehow made it through and only missed my PR by 6 minutes.

I feel ready for IM Cozumel despite my numerous injuries. My back feels a little better but my hip, knee and shoulder are still hurting very bad. My run last night was painful and slow but I made it. My shoulder has prevented me from swimming much since the race but I should be okay. I'm starting my taper and I am looking forward to this race being over.

Later Dudes


Coach Liz said...

Falling apart is NOT allowed at this point. Take it easy and only short (but intense) workouts no more than 30 minutes are allowed.

This is Coach telling you!!!

Trishie said...

Yes, what the coach said!! eleven days yay!