Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yes, I am Crazy

This past week has been pretty light with the exception of swimming. I have been careful not to over do it. My training plan has spots where I pull back the mileage to allow my body to heal. With that said I have slow ride of 30 -40 miles followed by a short run and swim on Monday. I want to make sure I'm feeling good for Prairieman on the September 13th.

On the injury front my back is feeling much better but I still have a sore left calf. It only seems to affect me on my runs and its really more of an annoyance than anything else.

Lastly, As far the race schedule goes I am adding one more race to the schedule. I have decided to do the Las Vegas Triathlon September 27th. There are 3 distances at this event but I will be doing the Half-Iron. This will be cutting it close on recovery but I feel I need this for my IM Cozumel training. When I saw Ryan Taylor today I told him that I was going all in on the events and I want to see how far I can push my body. This may not be the most sane thinking but its what I want. I'll keep you posted. Hopefully I live through this.


Coach Liz said...

Two half IM distance races only two weeks apart???

norms said...

=/ make time for recovery! i'll see you at the finish line after my sprint!